Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 15 - It feels like winter again...

Here it is mid-May and still cold.  We had lovely weather there for a week (of course the weekends haven't been as nice) and now the temp has dropped again and the wind has kicked up.  Where is the summer?

Time has passed pretty quickly.  We've both had our projects this month - John is almost finished the remodel he's been working on.  They always seem to take longer than you'd planned.  But it looks great, and other than a few mess-ups by the vendors (wrong bathroom sink delivered and installed, and the kitchen sink cut into the granite backwards), things are going well.  He's hoping he'll be done the end of next week.

I've been hard at the yard work.  I strongly encourage people to put down pre-emergent in mid-winter.  We weren't here and we had so much grass growing where it didn't belong it was amazing.  I won't make that mistake again.  I finally hired a friend's son to help me - my back couldn't take much more - thank heavens it's finally done.  We have company coming in a few weeks and I really wanted it to all look nice. 

My biggest accomplishment of the month was walking a half marathon with some girlfriends.  I had only gone out and done training for about 4 weekends, so doing this was major.  And it wasn't too hard, mostly endurance to just finish.  I'm sure it was easier to do with friends; we talked the whole way and that made time pass quickly.

Linda Healy, Susan Hauser and me - finished!!
A week later we went to the Peppermill spa and hard massages and facials - boy was that great.  And much needed - I was pretty sore for a few days.

It made me think tho that I should put together a "bucket list".  I've never done that, but it seems a good time to figure out the things I want to be sure and do while I can.  I'm gonna work on that soon, and put the half-marathon at the top (then cross it off).

We're getting ready for a visit from some friends in a few weeks and we'll be hosting a reunion dinner for them and some others that John graduated from high school with.  This is our second year for this and we've added another couple - if this keeps going we'll need to use a restaurant soon.

As for the rest of the summer - I have a trip to Denver booked over July 4th - I haven't been during the summer in a while and wanted to be sure I got back there this year.  We'll be taking the RV to Sedona, CA in July for 10 days for vacation and so John can play in a softball tournament.  Then in Aug/September we'll be headed to Yellowstone in the RV.  I'll share more on those trips after they happen.

Until then we're just waiting for the nice weather to come and stay - I've got some planting to do but am waiting a bit longer.